خدمات متميزة لتقنية المعلومات

نقدم حلول تقنية متكاملة تلبي احتياجاتكم بأفضل الطرق.

تصميم المواقع الاحترافية

نقدم تصميمات مبتكرة تناسب جميع الأعمال.

حلول برمجية متكاملة لتسهيل الأعمال.

أنظمة مراقبة حديثة لضمان الأمان.

البرمجة المتقدمة
إعداد الشبكات

عن شركة ماك تك للحلول التقنية

نقدم حلول تقنية متكاملة تشمل البرمجة وتصميم المواقع، فهدفنا هو تحقيق الابتكار وتقديم أفضل تجربة للعملاء.

A computer screen displaying web design content and code side by side. The left side features text describing a product designer's work and experience, while the right side shows colorful, highlighted code lines on a dark background.
A computer screen displaying web design content and code side by side. The left side features text describing a product designer's work and experience, while the right side shows colorful, highlighted code lines on a dark background.
خدمة مميزة جداً لن تتكرر.


black nikon dslr camera on white printer paper

خدماتنا التقنية المتكاملة

نقدم حلول تقنية متكاملة تلبي احتياجات عملائنا في جميع المجالات.

A laptop computer with a website displayed on the screen featuring the text 'Exceptional Web Application design & development'. The laptop is on a dark surface, and the website has a clean and modern design with a light background and colorful text elements.
A laptop computer with a website displayed on the screen featuring the text 'Exceptional Web Application design & development'. The laptop is on a dark surface, and the website has a clean and modern design with a light background and colorful text elements.
تصميم المواقع الإلكترونية

نقوم بتصميم مواقع احترافية تعكس هوية شركتك وتلبي احتياجاتك.

برمجة التطبيقات

نقدم خدمات برمجة تطبيقات مبتكرة تسهل عملياتك التجارية وتزيد من كفاءتك.

إعداد الشبكات

نساعدك في إعداد شبكات متكاملة تضمن أمان وسرعة الاتصال في عملك.


استعرض مشاريعنا المتميزة في مجال التقنية والتصميم.

A computer screen displays software code in a text editor. The code seems to be related to a web page with HTML and CSS components. On the left side, a file tree shows various file names in a project. The code includes HTML structure and styling classes.
A computer screen displays software code in a text editor. The code seems to be related to a web page with HTML and CSS components. On the left side, a file tree shows various file names in a project. The code includes HTML structure and styling classes.
حلول تقنية

نقدم حلولاً مبتكرة تلبي احتياجات عملائنا.

A speaker is presenting at a technology-themed event, with a backdrop displaying a title about responsive web design. The backdrop is colorful with purple and blue tones, featuring multiple logos, including IECE, CIESPAL, and Campus Party. The speaker stands at a podium with a microphone, and there is a partial view of the audience area.
A speaker is presenting at a technology-themed event, with a backdrop displaying a title about responsive web design. The backdrop is colorful with purple and blue tones, featuring multiple logos, including IECE, CIESPAL, and Campus Party. The speaker stands at a podium with a microphone, and there is a partial view of the audience area.
A dimly lit room features a desktop monitor and a laptop on a desk, both displaying lines of code and digital graphics. The primary focus is on programming and software development, with a dark, tech-centric theme.
A dimly lit room features a desktop monitor and a laptop on a desk, both displaying lines of code and digital graphics. The primary focus is on programming and software development, with a dark, tech-centric theme.
A close-up view of a computer screen displaying HTML or web development code. The text is colored with syntax highlighting, including blue and orange. On the left side, there is a blurry section showing what seems to be a user interface with partially visible text. The overall scene suggests a focus on coding or software development work.
A close-up view of a computer screen displaying HTML or web development code. The text is colored with syntax highlighting, including blue and orange. On the left side, there is a blurry section showing what seems to be a user interface with partially visible text. The overall scene suggests a focus on coding or software development work.
تصميم مواقع

نقدم تصميمات مواقع احترافية تعكس هوية الشركات.

آراء العملاء

تجارب مميزة مع خدمات mactech الاحترافية في تصميم المواقع.

لقد كانت تجربتي مع mactech رائعة، حيث قدموا لي موقعًا احترافيًا يعكس هويتي.

علي اليوسف
A computer screen displays code written in a text editor. The code is related to web development and includes HTML and JavaScript. The interface shows a dark theme with syntax highlighting, featuring different colors for commands, variables, and elements. Some parts of the screen show filenames and directories on the left.
A computer screen displays code written in a text editor. The code is related to web development and includes HTML and JavaScript. The interface shows a dark theme with syntax highlighting, featuring different colors for commands, variables, and elements. Some parts of the screen show filenames and directories on the left.


خدمات mactech كانت استثنائية، الموقع الذي صممته لي كان مذهلاً وسهل الاستخدام.

A computer screen displaying code written in PHP and HTML with various lines of syntax highlighted in different colors. The text includes commands, tags, and functions typical for web development.
A computer screen displaying code written in PHP and HTML with various lines of syntax highlighted in different colors. The text includes commands, tags, and functions typical for web development.
سارة أحمد

